mens laser hair removal harrow

Mens laser hair removal harrow


What Are the advantages of LASER TREATMENT?

Laser hair removal has quickly gained reputation during the last couple of years and is currently one of the only ways to effectively get rid of hair permanently. It offers benefits over other scalp removal methods and is usually overseen by a trained family physician, making the procedure safer. In comparison with other methods like shaving, depilatory lotions, waxing and electrolysis, the benefits of laser treatment become clear. Many find laser hair removal as the most practical method to reduce hair on the facial skin, arms, back or bikini area.


Laser light treatments use a concentrated beam of energy that is targeted at the follicle. This energy is ingested by the pigment in the scalp, damaging the follicle. After enough treatments, follicles are damaged to the idea that they will not grow scalp at all. It is a matter of doing the treatment in the right stage of hair growth to cause the long term effect. Laser scalp treatments can focus on virtually any area of the body, including the face, again and sensitive areas like the bikini range. The outcome varies by person, although some individuals see reduced hair growth in only a few treatments. The pain from laser hair removal is similar to the feeling of a rubber band being snapped on your skin.

LASER TREATMENT versus Electrolysis

Electrolysis and laser treatments are the only two long term options for scalp removal. Laser scalp treatments offer a range of benefits over electrolysis, however. Medical professionals supervise many laser beam steps, whereas electrolysis is often performed in a spa setting. Laser scalp treatments are less agonizing than electrolysis and focus on a much larger area as electrolysis works by inserting a needle into each individual follicle. Still, results will vary by person so it is important to learn that neither method can guarantee the outcome.

Less Pain with Laser Treatments

Laser light treatments for scalp removal also offer another advantage for most: the procedure is far less agonizing than electrolysis and many find it milder than waxing and tweezing as well. The feeling of a laser treatment is often set alongside the snap of a rubber band on your skin, and treatments that focus on small areas like the eyebrows or higher lip may be as brief as some minutes. Many prefer the laser method over more mature options like waxing and tweezing that permit the hair to grow back time after time.

FAR MORE CONVENIENT Than Shaving and Creams

Another major benefit offered by laser treatments is the convenience it offers. Shaving and depilatory lotions require regular or daily maintenance, which may become a hassle over years. With laser hair removal, unwanted scalp can be erased permanently after five or even more treatments spaced six weeks to eight weeks apart. Many find the expense of laser treatments to be worth the sensation of never tweezing eyebrows or shaving the bikini area again.

Laser hair removal is one of the better options available today to remove unwanted hair. It includes one of the only permanent alternatives and can give results in only a few treatments. Laser hair removal can eliminate the dependence on daily shaving and tweezing completely.

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